Believers Citadel International

Where Lives are Changed and Jesus Christ is made the focus.

Believers Citadel International

Where Lives are changed and christ is made the focus

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Our Vision

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Our Mission

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Our Beliefs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum odio vero facere? Voluptatem sapiente a soluta laboriosam error omnis dicta non totam. Odit numquam tempora esse quaerat dolorum blanditiis ipsum?

For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Romans 8:24-25

"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:21-23

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

1 Peter 1:3



The instrumentalists in a church play a vital role in creating a worshipful atmosphere and enhancing the overall musical experience. They are skilled musicians who dedicate their talents to serving the congregation and glorifying God through their artistry. Whether playing the piano, organ, guitar, drums, or other instruments, they skillfully accompany congregational singing and provide instrumental interludes during worship services. The instrumentalists work closely with the worship team, following the guidance of the worship leader to set the tone and mood of each song. Their musical abilities and passion for worship inspire and uplift the congregation, leading them into a deeper connection with God. Beyond their contributions during services, instrumentalists often participate in rehearsals, practice sessions, and musical workshops to continuously improve their skills. Through their dedication and heartfelt performances, the instrumentalists enrich the worship experience
and create a meaningful atmosphere of praise and adoration.

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Womens Ministry

The women's ministry within the church is a vibrant and inclusive community that empowers women in their faith journey and personal growth. It serves as a safe space where women can connect, support, and encourage one another in their spiritual lives. Through regular gatherings, Bible studies, retreats, and workshops, the women's ministry provides opportunities for deepening their understanding of God's word and nurturing their relationship with Christ. The ministry also addresses the unique needs and challenges women face by offering guidance, mentoring, and counseling services. Additionally, the women's ministry actively engages in service projects, outreach programs, and initiatives to positively impact the church and the wider community. It celebrates the diverse talents and gifts of women, empowering them to lead, serve, and make a difference. The women's ministry is a source of inspiration, fostering unity and sisterhood among its members as they navigate life's joys
and struggles together in faith.

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Mens Ministry

The men's fellowship within the church is a vibrant and supportive community of men who come together to strengthen their faith
and build meaningful relationships. Committed to living out their Christian values, the men's fellowship provides a space for mutual encouragement, accountability, and spiritual growth. Through regular meetings, gatherings, and events, these men engage in discussions, Bible studies, and prayer, fostering a deeper understanding of their faith and its practical applications in their daily lives. The fellowship also organizes outreach initiatives, service projects, and mentorship programs, empowering men to make a positive impact within the church and the wider community. The men's fellowship cultivates a sense of brotherhood, where individuals can share their joys and challenges, support one another, and inspire each other to become better husbands, fathers, friends, and disciples of Christ.

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Citadel Voices

The church choir is a dedicated group of talented individuals who contribute to the worship experience by leading congregants in songs of praise. Their harmonious voices create a melodic and uplifting atmosphere during services, enhancing the spiritual journey for attendees. Additionally, the choir actively participates in special events, concerts, and community outreach programs, sharing their musical gifts with a wider audience. Through their passion for music and devotion to their faith, the church choir inspires and uplifts both congregants and the community

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Organizers and Ushers

Ushers and greeters are an essential part of the church community, providing a warm and welcoming environment for all who enter. Ushers are responsible for assisting attendees in finding seats, distributing bulletins or programs, and helping with any needs or inquiries during the service. They ensure that the congregation feels comfortable and supported throughout the worship experience. Greeters, on the other hand, are often the first point of contact for newcomers, extending a friendly greeting, offering directions, and answering questions about the church. Both ushers and greeters play a crucial role in creating a sense of hospitality and inclusivity, making everyone feel valued and connected. Their commitment to service and their genuine care for others helps foster a welcoming atmosphere within the church, where people can come together in fellowship and worship

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Media Crew

The church's media crew plays a crucial role in enriching worship experiences and spreading the message of faith through digital platforms.
Comprised of passionate and skilled individuals, they capture and produce high-quality audiovisual content during services and events. Through the operation of cameras, audio equipment, and lighting systems, they ensure that both in-person and remote congregants can fully engage in worship. Collaborating closely with the worship team, they create visually captivating presentations that incorporate multimedia elements, enhancing sermons and reinforcing key messages. Additionally, the media crew manages the church's online presence, overseeing social media platforms, live streaming services, and creating multimedia content to reach a broader audience. Their dedication and expertise enable the church to connect with members and the wider community, effectively sharing the gospel message and fostering unity and belonging.

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